There are so many conflicting opinions about this book. A lot of people have complained that everything was tied up in a nice neat bow. Gail Gauthier's web site has some very good points on it. She says people have forgotten that these books are romances. That's how romances are; nice wonderful endings that may seem a little too good to be true. Maggie Stiefvater has a pretty good handle on what the fans think. She thinks that we respect writers more when they kill people off ( J.K. Rowling) There were no deaths here, besides the obvious one of Bella's human life.
My take on it:
I loved it!! LOOOOved it. I closed it with a sigh of happiness that all is well in the Cullen household. I finished it in 2 days. I am a crazy fast reader. I did go back and read the last portion again more carefully to get all the details.
I really appreciate that she didn't try to get out of making Bella a vampire. We have all been waiting for it so I am glad it finally happened. I think it was great that Jacob will always be a part of the family. It was agony to read about him and his heartache in previous books so I am glad he will see a happy ending as well. I also liked the way for the first time, she broke the book into parts from another person's point of view. Very important for that portion of the book I think. I think Renesme was a positive addition to the family. A little weird with the whole ripping out of Bella thing, but I can get over that. I do think it was ridiculous that she wasn't a typical newborn vampire. I mean, come one. That was a little too convenient. I also appreciated the lack of death. The one girl vampire that died we didn't really know that well. Plus, her mate had been killed so it was almost like they put her out of her misery. A fight would have been nice, though. A few heart pounding pages of "Oh no someone's going to die!" would have made the book even better.
So do you think it's done? This series? Or will she continue it? Mac thinks she will continue it. Me? Not so much. I think she tied it all up. I mean, we may want to know how Renesme grows up to be with Jacob, but I just don't see another book about it.
Next book up is Into The Fire by Suzanne Brokman. A small confession...I am already half way through it and will prob be done tomorrow. So a review of that coming up next week.
Lady S
Have you seen the internet leaked draft of Midnight Sun? By Stephenie. It is the first book again, but told completely through Edwards point of view. It is sooo good. It's the same and yet different, which sounds ridiculous. But really, it's fascinating. The only problem is that she was really pissed that it got leaked and she is threatening to not complete it. Which now that I've read what was leaked really pisses me off cause I want to be able to finish it. I will email it to you if your interested.