Sunday, October 26, 2008

Book Reviews

I am so far behind in my book reviews! You prolly think I am still reading the dragon book. Nope! I finished that one in 4 days and that was s l o w for me.

So here they are...the ones I have finished since I last posted a review.

Ok, this one was good to read. I was about 2 3rds of the way through when it picked up so good that I had trouble putting it down. We found out a whole heck of a lot about Eragon, the main character and his lineage and other mysteries were solved regarding his enemy also. It was good. I can't wait for the next one. And isn't that the way you know a book is good?

No tears in this one, but maybe a lump or two.

Oh, man. I was skeptical when I started this one because of the plot. An alien host gets put into humans and the host body fights it off?? Too wierd for me...but dang if it didn't suck me in. By the end of the first chapter I was hooked. And Meyer does such a great job at creating a whole world here that exists perfectly within the story. This would so make a great movie.

I cried about 3 kleenex worth. It was very moving in parts and downright sad in others. I am a huge sap though.

Next was this one. I did not like this one. It is about a couple that has decided they don't want children, but then the guy changes his mind. The woman tells him to choose between her and a kid and he chooses to leave. Oy!! You know, I lived the whole divorce thing, I surely don't want to read about it in my down time. Everything ended up happily ever after, but I did not like the story, which is making it hard to pick up the other one by this author "Love the One Your With". I may have to move that one off my list.

I cried about 1 hanky's worth but only because it made me think of my own experience.

I have to admit, I did not like this one at first either. I HATE lies and people who tell them. I especially hate people who tell lies only to make themselves look better. ::cough coughmyexcough cough:: So I could not identify with this character at all because that is what she does all the time. She has no redeeming qualities about her. I did like how she got to solve a little mystery there at the end and how Luke ended up being her man. But again, I am a sap.

She's growing on me. I chuckled several times reading this one. Again, the little mystery was good to read about. I did not enjoy reading about her getting herself into trouble again. And didn't we all just know that Luke was going to show up with the scarf?? Predictable but a nice turn your brain off read.

I am reading this one right now and really enjoying it. I am actually taking this one slow since I have blazed through all the rest so fast.

I half way read-skimmed this one and need to go back and read it again. I got the jist of it and like it better than the shopaholic series. I will go back and really read it all the way through and give a full review of it later.

So I only have like 4 books left to read not counting the one I am on now. I am def going to have to add more to my list. I knew it wouldn't be enough, but I thought I could slow down a little, but nope!! Any suggestions of what I can add? I want fun, light reads, no haunting disturbing stories. Geez, who wants to read disturbing things!? I would like to go back and read some of Oprah's book club picks like "The Secret Life of Bees" or "She's Come Undone".

Suggestions anyone??

Lady S

New Home

Some of you might be finding me for the first time here at my new home. Some may be following me from my old address. If so, then thank you for your patience with me. Be sure to become a follower again. This is my new home away from my regular family blog. If you follow my family blog, you are more than welcome to follow this blog, unless you know me in real life. BUT if you follow this blog, but don't know my family blog, then that's the way it will stay. Follow that? See, this is my escape from real life. Where I can blog about my neighbors, my ex, my husband, my kids, my kids teachers, old boyfriends, my sex life (!!) without burning bridges or totally traumatizing people who know me in real life. I mean, my Aunt Sue reads my family blog. I can't very well talk about how Mac and I tried out a new toy last night and it was fab-lu-lous without sending her running away screaming.

So, come follow me! See that little place right over there to the right? Right there. Follow me so I know how many people are reading. Make my day by leaving a comment. We all know how much we lurve to get comments. It makes us feel special. You know it does!

AND...if you do know me in real life and you have somehow stumbled upon this blog, then don't hold anything you read here against me. And for the love of God, don't bring up the toy at the next family reunion, m'kay?

Lady S

Friday, October 24, 2008

ABCs of Me

Got this from Deb's blog. Hilariously funny. Go check her out...

A is for age: 31

B is for burger of choice: Burger Street - with cheese, mayo, ketchup, lettuce, tomato, pickles, curly fries on the side with lots of ketchup, with a large cherry coke lots of ice. Great now I'm hungry.

C is for the car I drive: 2006 Kia Sorento - too small for our growing family!

D is for your dog's name: Childhood Dog - Maggie

E is for essential item you use every day: swing for my babies

F is for favorite TV show at the moment: Ooo, just one?? Ummm....Survivor

And do you want to know why?? right here...Le Pante

G is for favorite game: Again, just 1?? We are game lovers...but I umm umm Pit

H is for home state: Texas - Whoo-hoo!!

I is for instruments you play: Beginners Piano and the French Horn

J is for favorite juice: Apple

K is for whose bum you'd like to kick: Ex - for no other reason than he is alive

L is for last restaurant at which you ate: Texas de Brazil (weeks and weeks ago ::sigh::)

M is for your favorite Muppet: Statler And Waldorf they were really one character, don't you think?

N is for number of piercings: 4 in ears, but the second ones have pretty much grown in.

O is for overnight hospital stays: 2 - one for each c-section birth of my children

P is for people you were with today: Mac, Motor Mouth, Vea, Bea

Q is for what you do with your quiet time: Right now in my life - Sleep (Oh heavenly sleep)

R is for biggest regret: Thinking it was ok to get a little friendly with a married man. Just so you know, it's not.

S is for status: Married to the most wonderful man

T is for time you woke up today: 7:00 thanks to the wonderful Vea

U is for what you consider unique about yourself: I feel things deeply

V is for vegetable you love: Squash

W is for worst habit: Starting a project then quitting before it's finished

X is for x-rays you've had: Oh Lord, so many plus MRIs, CT scans; ankles, kidneys, shoulder, lungs, heart, neck for chiro, hmmm...prolly forgetting some.

Y is for yummy food you ate today: It's early so just cereal so far, oh, plus that rice crispy treat...and that snack bag of cookies...sigh

Z is for zodiac: Cancer - the crab and yes, I am at times.

Oh this was fun. If you decide to do it yourself, let me know so I can come read it.

Lady S

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Family Drama

Dear psycho witch crazy best friend sister girl who came to live with my parents,

I have ignored a lot over the last 17 years. I have said nothing and just listened to mom go on and on about your antics. I have to address this.

You said my mom has emotionally abused you since you were 14.

Oh, let's see here. Which of these events can be seen as abuse? Let's run through them shall, we??

Was it when she welcomed you with open arms into her home as another daughter when your own mother beat you? When she signed the papers to become your legal guardian? When she re-decorated your room however you wanted so you would feel like it was truly your home?

Was it when you were a junior in high school and decided to get married? When she told you that she would support you in whatever you wanted and pay for your wedding if you waited 7 months until that summer? When you moved back to your real mom's just so she would sign the papers for you to get married at 15? When you broke her heart into a million pieces when you left?

Was it when you gave birth to your first child at 16 and she boasted about her first grandchild? When she loved that child to distraction?

Was it when you married husband #2 and she paid for and did everything for your whole wedding? When you gave birth to son #2 at 18 and she welcomed her 2nd grandchild into the world?

Was it when she paid for your rent, utilities, and tuition to go to Paralegal school when husband #2 turned psyco? When you decided that being a paralegal "just wasn't your thing"?

Was it when you and husband #3 wanted to move onto her land, her father's land, so she gave you 4 acres? Or was it when she had to buy that land back from the bank when you filed for bankruptcy and you didn't put the bank loan on it? WHEN SHE HAD TO BUY BACK HER OWN LAND??

Was it when the people came to repossess your mobile home that had been sitting empty for months and they tossed your crap that you had left in it out the back door? And she had to clean up your garbage and crap and filth that had been sitting inside your home for months?

Or was it when you cheated on husband #3 and he took your son #3 with him and you let him(!!) because he wasn't good enough for you anymore (note: he was the best thing that ever happened to you) and she stood by you still?

Was it when she paid for your kids clothes, toys, furniture, food or anything else you might not be able to provide for them?

Was it when you moved 1000s of miles away with husband #4 and let your 2 Elementary school kids come home from school to an empty apartment with no phone to call for help if they needed it? When she paid for a cell phone for them to have because she worried to death about them?

Was it when you moved back and she watched your 2 oldest kids everyday of the summer so wouldn't have to stay home by themselves? When she took them to work with her?

Was it when son #1 decided he couldn't take your abuse anymore and moved in with his dad?

Or was it when you decided that she (or anyone else in our family) shouldn't see your son #2 because we have too much drama in our family? Ummm...YOU are the drama!! Our lives would have been pretty dull if not for you and we would have been fine with that. We haven't seen or heard from him in over a year??

Is it when you won't let your son #2 see his own brother because you think he might tell him something about our family missing him?

You selfish, lying, piece of dirt...tell me which of those events consists of emotional abuse. I would really like to know. Oh I see now, they all point to emotional abuse. Too bad you can't see that it is pointing right from you.

your sister best friend my mom's advocate